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Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and think about their specific needs. By learning what they can get out of your service and why they choose it over the competition, you can determine who they are. And essentially, it can help you understand their needs, wants and demands. Understanding is the key here – businesses need to know who their audience is, what these audience members are doing, and how to position services for the greatest possible impact.

Recognising consumers’ journey
The buyer’s journey is not unique to the digital age. It’s been around for quite some time now in one form or another. Fortunately, companies don’t need to guess, as data will give the needed answers. Search engine analytics will tell you the search terms that your customers are using as they look for information while analysing your site’s data will provide insight into the key access points for customers.

Staying ahead of the curve
This idea of “knowing” your audience – and understanding their behaviour – is an important one. Of course, you can get this information by speaking with clients directly, but if you want to succeed, you must go above and beyond. By analysing past and current customer trends, you can forecast what the next set of behaviours will look like and map your future strategies.

Conducting surveys
Surveys can reveal the parts of your content marketing that are most effective and what your current audience believes could use some work.

Delivering a stronger user experience
User experience is vital and websites and mobile apps must be user-friendly for every visitor. Fifty per cent of consumers now say they will stop visiting a website that is poorly optimised for mobile, even if they like the business. Smart data provides marketers with insights into visitors’ behaviour on websites, showing the time spent on individual features, elements attracting the highest number of clicks and lots more.

Adopting a data-driven strategy for digital advertising can help grow audience engagement, drive traffic, boost conversions, and raise brand awareness. And the more you understand your audience, the more rewards may be in store.